As i sit down to write this, I can't help but think that I had a beautiful lazy Sunday.
The word "lazy" has really taken on a new meaning for me this year. In the past, my lazy days (which were a lot more often) meant I would be chillin on the couch, eating food all day, watching movies or catching up on my favorite television shows. I would literally do nothing all day. I thought that made me happy.Today I enjoyed my new style of "lazy". Generally this just equates to me not working at all during the day, not getting dolled up for any outing, and not engaging in any activity that stresses me out.
My day actually started at 4:30 this morning. I took my friend Kayla to the airport. She boarded a flight to Vegas where she'll be hitting the gym hard for a week. It's "bootcamp" before she graduates from personal training school. That's so cool to me! I'm so proud of her. She's helped me so much this past year and it's been great to have a friend with similar goals in mind to help keep me motivated. I told her that since she would literally be working out all day for five days, that I would try to hit my workouts really hard this week and religiously stick to my diet plan, which I've been not-so-adament about lately. We hope to hit the scales on Sunday and see a difference.
So after I dropped Kayla off, I traveled 30 minutes to meet up with a friend to work out. I don't have a gym membership myself, so it's always really exciting when friends invite me to join them and use a guest pass. We got there and I jumped on the treadmill. I was only a half-mile in when I was miserable. It was so obvious that I haven't been working out enough and as hard as I should be. I was completely winded by that half-mile mark and had to take several walking breaks during my two-mile jog. I usually get by with 2-3, but today I felt like I had to walk just a bit every quarter mile to catch my breath. I finished up there and did a mile on the elliptical and cooled down on the stationary bike for about 10 minutes.
After the gym, my friend and I headed back to her apartment to watch a couple episodes of her new favorite show. Unfortunately, I'm hooked. But all in all it was a nice relaxing start to the morning. I left her place and headed for my friend Sara's house. I woke her up when I got there. That was hard for me to imagine since I had already been up for over six hours. I joined her and her fiance,Tim for lunch at my favorite restaurant, Longhorn.
After that, it was back to their place for more TV. I didn't last long though and passed out on the couch about ten minutes into the show. I'm such a fun friend! When I woke up, Sara was getting ready to hit the gym so I tagged along. I planned to take it easy, but ended up getting in another great workout. I jogged a mile on the treadmill (which was worse and more painful than the first two earlier), and ended up riding the stationary bike for 10 miles while I got engrossed in a book Sara let me borrow.
I'm home now, settling in for the night with my blog and Hulu, reflecting on my lazy Sunday. I guess my new style of lazy means getting in a mile on the elliptical, jogging 3 miles, and riding that bike for 12 miles. I feel great and super accomplished, not to mention rested and happy. It always amazes me how quickly things can change.